Kim Watson-Pitts, Certified Personal Trainer
Getting in shape is not meant to be a torturous endeavor. There may be a sore muscle or two along the way, but I believe getting fit should be enjoyed, not dreaded. I get to change lives for a living, which is not only a privilege but incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.
I can tell you first hand, my body has been every shape and size! I am currently navigating peri-menopause and I have learned how to do it with grace and ease!
As a certified personal trainer it is my goal to show women how to unleash their inner STRONG by teaching them how to love their bodies through proper weight management so that they can gain control of their health and feel amazing for LIFE!
We do all of this without putting in long hours at the gym or giving up delicious foods.
Don't fall for the latest fad diet or cookie-cutter weight loss programs. Simply put, DIETS DO NOT WORK! Trust me, I have tried!
I have created The Health & Fitness Playbook for Women 40+ so that you too can discover why we cannot continue to do the same things we did in our 20s & 30s and get a body that feels and looks amazing.
To all of my 40+ babes, we are still beautiful and amazingly sexy, we just have to learn how to navigate the hormonal changes our bodies are going through so that we can learn to LOVE her again!
Get my FREE Health & Fitness Playbook for Women 40+ so that you can learn strategies that you can put into place now to get you started on your healthy, happy, body weight journey.